15th September ’23

Darlington Championship Show

1st Open Dog

Judge: Barbara Stamp

**Best Dog**

**Dog CC**

Critique: Summerfield’s Miadsc Cast a Spell, 3 year old boy who has matured beautifully, russet gold wiry coat, moderately broad skull with moderate stop, straight bridge with broad nose, moderate sized eyes and medium set ears with rounded v shape, well muscled moderate length of neck and a good lay of shoulders with tight elbows, straight front legs and good depth of chest, ribs well sprung and going back to a short loin, level topline and sloping croup to give a correct tail set, moderate hind angulation with good muscle, well let down hocks, moved on a free flowing stride to take DCC which I believe was his 3rd. Congratulations

3rd September ’23

City of Birmingham

1st Open Dog

Judge: Debra Revell

**Reserve Best Dog**

6th August ’23

National Gundog

1st limit Dog

Judge: David Alcorn

30th July ’23

HWVCGB Championship Show

1st Limit Dog

Judge: Lindsey Townsend

Critique: Summerfield’s Miadsc Cast a Spell, 3 years old, good sized male, super head, good neck and forehand, depth to rib and a good topline, excellent quarters which he used with purpose, good coat properties.

30th July ’23

HWVCGB Open Show

1st Limit Dog

Judge: Ian Halbert

Critique: Summerfield’s Miadsc Cast a Spell, 3 years old, lovely head with soft expressive eyes, well laid shoulders and a good wire coat, well sprung ribs, nice rear angulation and geed feet.

7th May ’23

Birmingham National Championship Show


Res. Limit Dog

Judge: Doreen Smiley Grey


9th March ’23

3rd Open Dog

2nd Good Citizen

Judge: Rachel Newman

21st January ’23

Manchester Championship Show

2nd Limit Dog

Judge: Daphnie Bailey


6th January ’23

Boston Championship Show


1st Open Dog

Judge: Martyn Rees

**Best Dog**

**Best Opposite Sex**