28th December ’08
Goyt Valley Gundog Society
1st HWV Junior
Judge: Mr D R Alcorn
**Best Puppy**
Critique: what a delightful puppy, thoroughly enjoying her day out, pretty feminine head, best of necks and wonderful lay of shoulder, good return up upper arm to compliment level topline and well ribbed back, quarters well angled and muscled sufficiently for age, straight and true on the move driving positively behind from short pasterns, should mature on very nicely, lovely puppy.
1st AV Puppy Stakes
Judge: Mrs E Gates
Critique: I loved this little lady, excels in head, the most melting expression, good facial featherings, so balanced in front and rear, great coat texture, I would like more body on her but that did not stop her from moving the best in this class.
20th December ’08
Darwen Canine Society
1st AVNSC Puppy
Judge: Mr Martin Phillips
**Best AVNSC Puppy**
Critique: raw puppy but with lots to like, when finished should be very impressive, carrying lots of breed type, very pretty head with a good eye and very sound.
10th December ’08
Northwhich & District Canine Society
Christmas Show
1st Puppy
**Best Puppy in Show**
20th October ’08
Eaton Dog Training Club
**Pre Beginners Obedience
Winner 2008**
Aged 4 Months