28th December ’08
Goyt Valley Gundog Society
2nd HWV Open
Judge: Mr D Alcorn
Critique: pretty bitch and very similar comments apply to 1(Morgan & Schofields Cwsscwn Chintz)not quite the open gait but a very sound and honest HWV, pleased to see her standing on better feet than last time I judged her, very nice bitch, unfortunate to meet the winner in such top form.
20th December ’08
Darwin Canine Society
1st AVNSC Open
Judge: Mr Martin Phillips
**Best AVNSC**
Critique: good shape and size, good type, nice bone for size, in very good coat, just needs to strengthen behind.
7th December ’08
Maghull & Merseyside Canine Society
1st HWV Open
Judge: Ms M McAngus (Redfurs)
**Best of Breed**
22nd November ’08
Liverpool Kennel Association
1st Open
Judge: Miss Julie George Ainscough
**Best of Breed**
Critique: a stunning, well presented 3 year old bitch in lovely condition and pleasing in outline, a characteristic head of good proportions with nice length of ear, good strong neck into well placed shoulders, lovely straight front and deep chest, nice length of rib, tuck and couplings, good angulations and ratios all round, sound on the move with adequate ground coverage.
16th November ’08
The Merseyside Gundog Club
2nd Open Bitch
Judge: Mr A Scourfield
15th November ’08
Congleton Canine Society
1st Open Bitch
2nd AV Gundog
Judge: Mr A Derry (Andlouis)
25th October
Midland Counties Championship Show
VHC Open Bitch
Judge: Jean Cameron
18th October ’08
Buxton & District Canine Association
2nd AV Open Bitch
2nd AV Gundog
Judge: Mr Frank Whitbread (Lathbern)
1th October ’08
Birmingham & District
Gundog & Terrier Club
1st Open Dog/Bitch
Judge: Mrs D Bailey (Daelyb)
**Reserve Best of Breed**
14th September ’08
Darlington Championship Show
3rd Open Bitch
Judge: Mrs Pauline Suhr (Australia)
10th September ’08
Northwich & District Canine Society
1st Open Dog
1st AV Gundog
Judge: Mr Michael Cafferate (Merrywood)
20th April ’08
The HWVA Open Show
3rd Limit Bitch
Judge: Sharon Pinkerton
23rd March ’08
Bootle, Crosby & South Liverpool
Canine Society
1st Open
Judge: Christine Rayner
**Best of Breed**
21st March ’08
Accrington & District Canine Association
1st Open
Judge: Mrs C Morgan (Cwsscwn)
**Best of Breed**
Critique: this 3 year old bitch gets better and better, she totally filled my eye and oozed breed type, very pretty head with well furnished brows and beard, kind eye, good bone and feet, moved with drive to take BOB.
7th March ’08
1st Good Citizen Dog Scheme – Bitch
Reserve Post Graduate Bitch
Judge: Mr C A Atkinson
2nd March ’08
Coventry & District Gundog Society
2nd Open Bitch
Judge: Mrs C Schofield (Cwsscwn)
**Reserve Best of Breed**
Critique: a favourite of mine, unfortunate to meet one in such good form, excellent reach of neck leading into well balanced shoulders, excellent rear angulation, giving effortless driving movement, good bone and feet and correct wire coat, presented beautifully.
10th February ’08
Northwich & District Canine Society
2nd AV Gundog
Judge: Mrs J Littlemore
3rd February ’08
The Merseyside Gundog Club
1st Post Graduate
Judge: Mr Michael Egan
19th January ’08
Manchester Championship Show
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Judge: Mrs J Miller
**Reserve Best Bitch**
Critique: correct balance with a very attractive outline with lovely angle fore and aft, lighter colour coat of correct texture and length, well carried head, very feminine with nice expressive eyes, good furnishings, muscular neck into good shoulders and firm level topline to correctly positioned and horizontal tail, well developed deep chest and body, ribs sprung well back, correct front, elbows well in, moderate stifles, hindquarters well muscled, neat arched feet, realy sound mover with good reach and ground coverage, well handled, should have a bright future.
**Qualified for Crufts 2009**
13th January ’08
Stoke on Trent Gundog Club
1st Post Graduate
Judge: Mrs E Gates (Schonblick)
**Best of Breed**