19th November ’16
Northwich & District Canine Society
1st Open
Judge: Barbara Stamp
**Best of Breed**
**Gundog Group 2**
Critique: litter sister to post graduate winner and outshone him, correct head with moderate stop, sufficient furnishings, correct length/height ratio, medium set ears with rounded edges, well muscled slightly arched neck, correct topline with slightly falling croup, well developed thighs and well let down hocks, correct wirey texture to coat, moved with drive to BOB and group 2.
29th October ’16
Midland Counties Championship Show
1st Limit Bitch
Judge: Val Foss
Critique: strong well boned bitch with attractive head and expression, good neck flowing into correct shoulders, straight front, deep chest, correct ribcage and strong hindquarters, moved sound and free.
22nd October ’16
Buxton & District Canine Association
1st AV Gundog
Judge: Merriel Taylor (Ballarat)
**Best in Show**
16th October ’16
Goyt Valley Gundog
1st Open
Judge: Janice Bannister
**Best of Breed**
** 4th RCC Stakes**
Critique: a stylish 2 year old bitch of good breed type, nothing overdone, I liked her intelligent and alert expression, super lay of shoulder and level back, she makes a clean cut balanced outline and moves with sound ground covering strides, nice handling too, with dog and handler at one.
25th September ’16
Stoke on Trent Gundog
1st Open
Judge: Mark Boswell
**Best of Breed**
**Best in Show Group 4**
18th September ’16
Darlington Championship Show
2nd Limit Bitch
Judge: Sara Barnard
Critique: well constructed head, not too broad but feminine, strong neck which flows well into good shoulders and front, good depth and spring of rib, moves from well muscled quarters n a true and purposeful line.
29th August ’16
Deeside Open Show
1st AVNSC Gundog Open
Judge Gail Simmons (Galema)
**Best AVNSC**
**Gundog Group One**
14th August ’16
Bournemouth Championship Show
2nd Post Graduate Bitch
Judge: Liz Harper
Critique: pleasing bitch for balance and outline, like her head shape and soft expression, body of good depth with nice ribs and correct front assembly, presented well showing substance and power, harsh in coat texture, strong hindquarters and moved true.
6th August ’16
Paignton Championship Show
2nd Post Graduate Bitch
Judge: Alastair Moss
Critique: full of quality, well proportioned head of good length, good overall shape with a good depth and length of rib, good angulation overall.
24th July ’16
Leeds Championship Show
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Judge: Richard Morris
Critique: 2 years 3 months russet colour bitch most typical with the best of construction, firm and well knited together all over, strong nck into well placed shoulders, lean well moulded head, lovely skull shape and marked furrow line, some beard on display and could have carried a bit more coat overall to advantage, excellent straight front, depth of body, well coupled and muscled loins, super toplineand a true purposeful mover.
1st July ’16
Windsor Championship Show
3rd Limit Bitch
Judge: Rachel Thompson
25th June ’16
Blackpool Championship Show
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Judge: Mr Jaha Kares (Finland)
Critique: very sound and honest female, feminine head and expression, she moved very well and was in excellent condition.
19th June ’16
Border Union
3rd Limit Bitch
Judge: Jacqui Ward
9th June ’16
Three Counties Championship Show
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Judge: Chris Guest
Critique: despite the heat this neatly made bitch just kept on showing and pushed for the RCC, well boned limbs and workmanlike, good front and shoulders, would like a little more length, has strong quarters which she uses, just falls away a little over her croup, super head and dignified expression with good eye colour.
5th June ’16
Southern Counties Championship Show
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Judge: Dr Robert Suchett-Kaye
**Reserve Best Bitch**
28th May ’16
Bath Championship Show
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Judge: Gary Upton
**Best Bitch in Breed**
Critique: lovely bitch, lovely head and dark eye, good front and feet, good neck into shoulders, good topline and stifles, good wire coat and colour, moved so well today, in lovely condition.
16th April ’16
Buxton & District Canine Association
1st AV Gundog
Judge: Mrs Kim McLintock
9th April ’16
Wellingborough & District Canine Society
1st Post Graduate AVNSC
Judge: Bob Needham
**Reserve Best AVNSC Gundog**
Critique: balanced looking bitch, pleasing head and expression, correct eye colour, good front and depth of chest, well ribbed, moved well.
3rd April ’16
Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Club
of Great Britain
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Judge: Mrs D Bailey (Daelyb)
**Reserve Best Bitch**
Critique: stood out here for her substance and balance, soft expression and correct eye, straight well boned front, tidy feet, good return of upper arm, ribbed well back, firm thighs, presented in hard condition with a harsh wire jacket, moved true both ends with a good stride.
26th March ’16
Rochdale & District Canine Society
1st AVNSC Graduate
Judge: Bridgette Bodle
Critique: medium sized bitch, pleasing outline, good head with medium stoop and eyes complimenting coat colour, stands on strong legs and arched feet, firm topline to slightly sloping croup and moderately angulated quarters, a sound and true mover.
25th March ’16
Accrington & District Canine Association
1st Post Graduate
Judge: Pauline Luxmoore-Ball
**Best of Breed**
28th February ’16
Yorkshire Gundog
1st Post Graduate
Judge: David Moss
**Best of Breed**
7th February ’16
Merseyside Gundog
1st Post Graduate
Judge: Anne Burns
**Reserve Best of Breed**
**Group 4 Reserve Best of Breed Challenge**
Judge: Richard Stafford
23rd January ’16
Lichfield Canine Society
1st Post Graduate
Judge: Barbara Cherry (Shanandi)
**Best of Breed**
Critique: a very good quality bitch, very streamlined and totally balanced, her head was feminine with a good eye colour, clean neck set into well laid shoulder, firm well ribbed body with good forechest, strong loin and muscular quarters with well turned stifle, free ground covering movement.
17th January ’16
Manchester Championship Show
2nd Post Graduate Bitch
Judge: Kari Jarvinen (Finland)
Critique: good size and well made, too sloping croup, good coat, good front movement.
10th January ’16
Goyt Valley Gundog
1st Post Graduate
Judge: Linda Adams
Critique: smart bitch, lots to like, correct head and eye, good confirmation moving soundly.